1816 --- Surveyors are commissioned to survey Royal Oak Township in what is now called Oakland County 1818 --- The road from Detroit to Pontiac which passed through Ferndale was known as Saginaw Road, Saginaw Turnpike and to this day Woodward Avenue. 1820 --- During the 1820's, “White's Place” located at the present site of Ferndale High School, served travelers on the forerunner of Woodward Avenue – the Saginaw Trail. 1834 --- A Railroad is started from Royal Oak to Detroit which ran though Ferndale. 1869 --- The 1st manufacturing business recorded was a steam saw mill owned by Adolphus Granger. 1890 --- North Nine Mile Road & Campbell (Hilton) area is sold and subdivided and known as Urbanrest. 1898 --- A deal is signed with what is later known as the Detroit United Railroad which ran though the city in the median along Woodward. 1907 --- Willis Hough owns the 1st and probably only “country estate” in the area, 30 acres, known as pinecrest. 1909 --- Porter School at the southeast corner of Nine Mile Road and Woodward is moved and a new school built. The new school named the Ferndale School is destroyed by fire on December 28, 1914. 1910 --- First plat laid out is the southwest corner of Woodward and Nine Mile. The intersection of Woodward and Nine Mile was considered the center of the area. 1910 --- The Hubbard Marsh went from Eight Mile to Eleven Mile road. A beaver dam was just south of Ten Mile Road. 1912 --- The 2nd platted area of the intersection of Woodward and Nine Mile is the southeast corner of Woodward and Nine Mile and known as “Little Farms”. 1912 --- A narrow strip of pavement is laid from Detroit to Royal Oak on Woodward Avenue. 1912 --- David Oppenheim founded Machpelah Cemetery. 1913 --- The 3rd and 4th platted areas of the intersection of Woodward and Nine Mile is the northeast and northwest Nine Mile areas north of Woodward and known as the “Woodward Heights” subdivision and is one of the largest in the city. 1917 --- Deputy Sheriff Albert Anderson is killed by a burglar. 1917 --- St. Paul's Methodist Church is established at Nine Mile and Bermuda. The first church built in Ferndale, it replaces the original building called "The Tabernacle". 1917 --- The Baptist Chapel church is established on East Nine Mile just west of Woodward. It later becomes the Ferndale Women's Club and is also used for a high school classroom from 1920-1921. 1917 --- Ridgewood School opens at Eight Mile Road and Stratford. After Taft School is built, Ridgewood School is demolished. The school location is where the westbound Eight Mile Road is today. 1917 --- The first Village Charter Commission was formed and consisted of Elbert L. Chase, Lovell G. Turnbull, Gordon Damon, Otis G. Morse. 1918 --- On April 1, 1918 an election was held to adopt a proposed Village Charter and elect the first officials. Lovell G. Turnbull became first president. The first meeting of the village commission was called to order by the President at 8 pm April 22, 1918. 1918 --- Village records are kept in a barrel in Badder's Real Estate office. 1918 --- The Chamber of Commerce was born at this time and it was called The Board of Commerce. 1918 --- Henry Mills is named Village Marshal. The Village buys him a gun, handcuffs and a motorcycle. He makes 22 traffic arrests in four days. 1919 --- Fred E. Gordon was 2nd Village President 1919 --- Ferndale becomes the first community in the Nation to reach a Red Cross fund drive quota. 1919 --- St. James Catholic Church is founded at Woodward and West Hazelhurst. Prior to that, Mass and Sunday School was held in an old chicken coop, and the old farmhouse was used as a Chapel. 1919 --- The Ferndale Memorial Society was formed to raise money for a bronze tablet to list the names of servicemen but is dissolved after the war. The Ferndale Memorial Association is formed in 1927 to perpetuate a Memorial Day which includes a parade and program to honor those who served and died in service from Ferndale. 1919 --- Cinders are laid to smooth Ridge Road from Eight Mile to Nine Mile. 1919 --- Individual mailboxes are put on Woodward and Nine Mile for residents to get their mail due to the unusable roads in the wet seasons which made mail delivery nearly impossible. 1919 --- Ferndale employs two mounted police officers, Michael Burkart and William B. Newcomb, because the roads are so congested that police cars are not efficient. 1919 --- The Kaltz Brothers was one of Ferndale's leading commercial businesses opens and still operates today. 1920 --- Fred E. Gordon was Village President 1920 --- Most of the neighborhood schools were built during the twenties. 1920 --- Ferndale appears in Ripley's "Believe It Or Not" feature because it has more children per capita than any other town in the nation the same size. --- 1920 --- Urbanrest School is built. It is later renamed Harding school. 1920 --- A plank walkway is installed on the north side of Nine Mile Road from Bermuda to Campbell. 1920 --- Ardmore Hospital founded at 181 Ardmore Street. In 1933, the Wooliever property on West Nine Mile near Livernois was purchased by Eva Clemenshaw, remodeled and reopened as Ardmore Hospital. Ardmore is later sold to Drs. John and Earl Flick. 1920 --- The street Saginaw Trail is renamed to Pinecrest and remains sense. 1920 --- Harold Kennedy, owner of Ferndale Lumber & Supply Company on Nine Mile Road at the Railroad tracks, buys a yoke of oxen to make deliveries because the roads are so bad. 1920 --- A traffic tower, nicknamed The Crow's Nest, is erected on Nine Mile and Woodward. A policeman sits in the tower to direct traffic. The tower is removed in 1928 and replaced with electric traffic signals. 1920 --- The 1st two story building is built. The Badder Block at the northwest corner of Woodward & Nine Mile. 1920 --- The first Police and Fire station was built on North East Nine Mile between Woodward and Bermuda. 1920 --- The American State Bank was established. In 1923 a new larger building is built on the corner of Woodward and Vester. It now houses the Elk's Club. 1921 --- L.O. Berry was 3rd Village President 1921 --- March 31st, the Village Commission is faced with a recall election after commissioners are charged with "lack of sympathy with public welfare, willful misconduct, unable to sense proper public acts, employment of unnecessary servants to do public-work, payment of extravagant salaries, misuse of public funds, and willful appropriation of public funds to pay lawyers for personal business" The recall effort succeeds as all incumbents are thrown out of office. L.O. Berry, a Woodward Avenue grocer, is elected village president. new commissioners are Ward Richmond, Raymond Donahue, Elizabeth Smith and John Jacobus. --- 1921 --- Lincoln High School is built on the north side of West Nine Mile near Livernois. 1921 --- The Ferndale Enterprise newspaper is founded by George Williams 1921 --- The Ferndale News is founded by Robert Moylan. 1921 --- St. Luke's Episcopal Church is Founded and built on Livernois ( building completed in 1929). 1921 --- The Ferndale Theatre opened. 1922 --- L.O. Berry was 4th Village President (1921-1923) 1922 --- There were traffic jams on Woodward. 1923 --- The Ferndale Gazette, a weekly newspaper, is founded by Harvey Jacobs and became the local paper. 1924 --- C.N. Smith was 5th Village President (1924-1926) 1924 --- St. James School is founded. 1924 --- The Drayton Avenue Presbyterian Church was built. 1924 --- The Masonic Temple was built. 1924 --- Ferndale's Rotary Club, Exchange Club, and Woman's Club were established. 1924 --- Both East and West Nine Mile Roads are paved. 1925 --- C.N. Smith was 5th Village President (1924-1926) 1925 --- The Veteran's of Foreign Wars (VFW) was founded. They honored the first young man who was killed in action by naming their post The Paul W. Hornaday Post 1407. 1926 --- Robert E. Lewis was 6th Village President (1926-1927) 1926 --- Roy Waugh opened his radio repair store in Jacob's Jewelry Store and moved during the depression when he bought his store on the corner of Marshall and Allen for back taxes. He remained in business for over sixty years. 1926 --- Rialto Restaurant opens under the ownership of Alex Kelingos and Basil Theson. The restaurant expanded by purchasing Zehenders Department Store. 1926 --- City Charter Commission elected December 21th and consisted of: Fred McCaul, Lewis Walton, Roy Chamberlain, Charles M. May, Harry Lyons, George Williams, Theodore Degenhardt, Leonard Schnell. 1926 --- A widened Woodward Avenue is completed with two 40 foot lanes. One northbound and one southbound with a parkway between which the D.U.R. operates. 1927 --- January. Ferndale citizen's vote to become a City. 1927 --- On April 4th the City Charter was voted upon by residents and adopted by the Charter Commission making Ferndale a City (as recorded on page 66 of the 1927 City Council Minutes). 1927 --- Before Ferndale was incorporated as a City, Mayors were known as Presidents. 1927 --- Guy Stark was 1st Mayor 1928 --- Guy Stark was Mayor 1928 --- Woodward widened to eight lanes, solidifying its reputation as the first superhighway in the world. 1928 --- Rodger's Dutch Mill opened December 8th, and was a very unique restaurant in that customers were met by a touch of Holland. Windmills and canals were painted on the walls and waitresses were dressed like Dutch Girls. 1929 --- John Anders was Mayor 1929 --- The C.H. Harrison Building was built and is now The Ferndale Center Building. It housed Liggetts Drug Store and was one of the four Drug Stores on each corner of Woodward and Nine Mile. The second floor was leased to the Village as offices and the Court. 1930 --- John Anders was Mayor 1930 --- Youth, Incorporated buys and remodels the “Castle On The Nine” for young people to hold dances and other activities. 1930 --- The Ferndale Kiwanis Club was founded. 1930 --- Phil & Bill Rosen opened a fruit and vegetable market on Nine Mile that grew into the State Packing House and served the community until the supermarkets took over. 1930 --- In November the Ferndale Public Library opens with Etta Vivian as its Librarian. 1931 --- Ray Dickson was Mayor 1931 --- Homes were purchased and torn down to eventually make the Withington parking lot. 1931 --- George Higgins opens Pontiac automobile agency which quickly becomes one of the largest in the state. 1931 --- Mayor Jay F. Gibbs proposes to save the City $700.00 by turn-off of every other light on Nine Mile Road during the depression. 1931 --- Thomas J. Ealand purchases the Ferndale Theatre. 1932 --- Ray Dickson was Mayor 1933 --- Theodore L. Degenhardt was Mayor 1933 --- Ferndale celebrates Mardi Gras for the first time. 1934 --- Theodore L. Degenhardt was Mayor 1934 --- Ferndale begins a food co-op program. 1934 --- The Spot was a favorite gathering place. It was an ice cream parlor on the southeast corner of Woodward at the alley on West Nine Mile Road. 1934 --- To combat a rash of bank robberies the Ferndale Police get a sub-machine gun. 1935 --- Theodore L. Degenhardt was Mayor 1935 --- Elizabeth Beasley becomes the first woman elected to the Ferndale Schools Board of Education. 1936 --- Theodore L. Degenhardt was Mayor 1936 --- January 30th. the Third Annual President's Ball to fight infantile paralysis (polio) is held in the gymnasiums at three locations in the city. 1937 --- Theodore L. Degenhardt was Mayor 1937 --- City offices move into American State Bank near Eight Mile on Woodward. This property went back to the City for unpaid taxes. 1937 --- The Radio City movie theater opens. 1937 --- David Harding is saved from drowning when his parents' basement is flooded at 558 Milton. 1937 --- The new Post Office is built. 1938 --- Theodore L. Degenhardt was Mayor 1938 --- Ferndale Police and two Federal agents harvest and burn 60 stalks of marijuana found growing on Kensington. 1938 --- Ferndale's last Civil war veteran, Francis M. Sockman, dies at age 92. He was a member of Company C, 12th Infantry, West Virginia and an honorary member of the VFW. 1939 --- Theodore L. Degenhardt was Mayor 1940 --- Theodore L. Degenhardt was Mayor 1940 --- Ferndale is the first city in the nation whom 90% of the employees are buying war bonds. 1940 --- March 17th the long delayed WPA (Works Progress Administration) project to remodel the police station and municipal court building begins. 1941 --- Carl W. Forsythe was Mayor 1941 --- During the war years, Harding Park was used for an Army Encampment. 1942 --- Carl W. Forsythe was Mayor 1942 --- General Douglas McArthur visited Ferndale because they had sold the most War Bonds. 1942 --- Ferndale Schools rescind policy of not hiring married teachers. 1942 --- The War Production Board decides to build an addition to Ardmore Hospital on Nine Mile 1942 --- Paul Best, superintendent of schools, opens an adult education program. Harold Wilcox is the first Director and is later followed by Dorothy Kosovac. 1942 --- N.A. Woodworth Co. wins the Army-Navy pennant for its out-standing performance in war production. 1942 --- September 25th. Wallace Holt, son of Mrs. Lawrence Holt, is captured and made a prisoner of war while participating in the raid on Dieppe. He is a member of Headquarters Company of the Essex Scottish. His brother Jack is still missing. 1942 --- October. The Ferndale Elks Lodge 1588 sells $5,725 in war bonds at a dance party. 1942 --- November 8th. Patrolman Elmer Jubelt is seriously injured by a bandit who later kills himself at Police Headquarters after being captured. 1943 --- Carl W. Forsythe was Mayor 1943 --- April 2nd. Lincoln High School Student Board handles first business of students wishing to manage racial issues. The Student Board is established following a pair of stabbings: one on March 23rd, in which a 15 year old black student was stabbed and another on March 29th. in which a white student was stabbed. 1943 --- Ferndale celebrated its 25th “Silver” Anniversary. 1943 --- Officer Glen Silverthorn is sent to remove a rabbit after it invades the city's Victory Garden. The rabbit doesn't take kindly to the officer, kicking him in the head, knocking off his hat and breaking his badge before escaping. 1944 --- Carl W. Forsythe was Mayor 1944 --- February 3rd. The Caledonia Club of Ferndale holds its 10th annual Burns Night at the Ferndale Masonic Temple. 300 guests attended. 1944 --- September 19th. Council denies a request by three residents to keep chickens and another request by a Woodward Heights resident to keep a saddle horse. 1945 --- Carl W. Forsythe was Mayor 1946 --- Carl W. Forsythe was Mayor 1946 --- A serious explosion rocks Reichold Chemical plant located on Woodward Heights and the train tracks. 1947 --- Carl W. Forsythe was Mayor 1947 --- Attorney William Beasley becomes the first Ferndale resident ever to be elected to the Circuit Court. 1948 --- Carl W. Forsythe was Mayor 1949 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1949 --- May 17th. Residents of the Northeast Ferndale Improvement Association want to change the name of Hilton Road to match Royal Oak's Campbell Road since it was originally Campbell. Motion is denied. 1949 --- Schools receive “Magic Squares” 120'x120' lighted, fenced-in, hard surface areas used for tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton, roller-skating, dancing, shuffleboard, hopscotch and ice-skating. Ruth Romig and "Bud" Brown were instrumental in obtaining this project. 1949 --- Asa Bonner buys the Ferndale Gazette. Bonner also owns two other publications: the Berkley Times and the Highland Park. 1950 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1950 --- Ferndale Public Library built a new Library at 222 E. Nine Mile. Enid Baily DeTar Poehlman was the Librarian. 1950 --- Ferndale's 2nd Fire station is built on the Westside of Livernois just south of Nine Mile. 1951 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1951 --- June 6th. The home of pioneer Walter Hylund was moved from Nine Mile to Chesterfield. Hylund was Ferndale's first Plumber. 1951 --- The First Methodist Church was founded. Its Pastor being Reverend Moulton. 1951 --- The City Commission approved the construction of a new Fire Station on the East side of the city to replace an out-grown Fire Station on East Nine Mile near Woodward. 1952 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1953 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1954 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1954 --- The first Dairy Queen ice cream stand was built and still serves the community, located near Pinecrest. 1954 --- New Ferndale Public Library built on E. Nine Mile. 1955 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1955 --- Dr. John Flick, chairman of the Board of Ardmore Hospital, announced plans for a $175,000 expansion of the hospital at 814 W. Nine Mile. The expansion will double the hospital available space. 1955 --- The overpass on Woodward and Eight Mile was completed. 1956 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1956 --- Fire Department headquarters built on Livernois. 1956 --- The Memorial Mall was established on Livernois near Nine Mile with Mrs. Ethel Kinane's urging. The boulder that had been used for the event at the Lincoln High School was moved to the Mall. 1957 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1957 --- The new Ferndale High School was built 1957-1958 and opened for classes in January 1959. The first graduating class went 3 1/2 years at Lincoln and 1/2 year at FHS - graduating in June 1959. Lincoln High School became a Junior High School. 1958 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1959 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1959 --- John Shada becomes coach at St. James High School. Shada dies Sept. 14, 1969 after suffering a cardiac arrest at the school's season opening football game. Shada was coach of the year for the Catholic league in the 1962 and 1965. He was placed in the Michigan Coaches Hall of Fame in 1962. 1959 --- February --Best Junior High School Principal Scott W. Street is demoted to teacher after he supports a program of "Progressive Education," with oral conferences replacing graded reports cards. The school board decides the program at Best and Jackson schools are to progressive. School Board has to move its meeting to the gym after too many parents and teachers show up in protest. Twelve teachers resign as a result and the Michigan Education Association asks for a probe. The state attorney general backs the school board stance and the Circuit Court rules the board has the right to demote Street. Street instead takes a post in Africa. 1960 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1960 --- Ferndale becomes the first school district in the northern United States to become involved in school segregation issues. Federal government orders Ferndale to desegregate the district. 1960 --- Ferndale and Oak Park fight over taking Carver school in Royal Oak Township into their district. 1961 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1961 --- The Salk vaccine was given to all youngsters as a prevention against polio. 1962 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1963 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1964 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1965 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1965 --- The New City Hall and Police Station were built and the old Police and Fire Station was torn down. 1965 --- The city creates a recreation department for the first time, complete with a director and six other employees. 1966 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1967 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1968 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1968 --- Ferndale celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a dinner honoring its first residents. There was a week-long celebration with parades and contests. 1969 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1970 --- Bruce D. Garbutt was Mayor 1971 --- Henry A. Schiffer was Mayor 1971 --- The Welcome Campbell house was torn down. The family moved to Ferndale in 1859 where Mr. Welcome Campbell bought 750 acres in the northeast area between Nine and Ten Mile. Campbell Road was named after him, but in Ferndale it was never an official street name and years later it was renamed to Hilton Road. The Historical Society campaigned to save the Campbell house. It was located at 2327 Hilton Road. 1971 --- Maurice F. Cole publishes “Ferndale of Yesteryear” 1971 --- April 18th. An Oak Park resident living in the Ferndale school district begins a campaign to recall three board members. The three had voted to appeal a decision by the Sixth U.S. District Court of Appeals on a charge of racial discrimination by the district for maintaining Grant as an all black elementary school. 1972 --- Henry A. Schiffer was Mayor 1972 --- The Chamber of Commerce sponsored a Fall Festival on the West Nine Mile Road for several years until a fire destroyed several stores. Although it happened when the festival was not on the Fire Chief said he would not have been able to put it out had it been in operation. However it had run long enough to accomplish its purpose. It had invited clubs and organizations to participate for a price of $25.00 and that money was used to purchase the Marquee on Woodward and Nine Mile. --- 1972 --- The Ferndale School Board fails to win approval of plans to desegregate Grant school and files the plans with the Sixth U.S. District Court of Appeals in an effort to regain withheld Federal Funds of $224,643. 1973 --- Robert J. Paczkowski was Mayor 1974 --- Robert J. Paczkowski was Mayor 1974 --- The first Senior Citizen high-rise was built (now housing seniors, disabled, & low income residents - run by Ferndale's Housing Commission). It is located at Paxton and Troy (900 E. Nine Mile Rd). 1975 --- Robert J. Paczkowski was Mayor 1975 --- September 19th. The Ostrander building on West Nine Mile is considered the worse commercial fire in Ferndale's history. 1975 --- Radio City movie theatre was demolished. 1976 --- Robert J. Paczkowski was Mayor 1976 --- Ferndale celebrated with the Nation's 200th birthday. It was a month long jubilee. A Bi-Centennial Ball was held at the St. James Church Gym and members of the Exchange Club depicted past Presidents and their ladies. A Time Capsule was buried on the Library grounds. 1976 --- Twelve-year-old Mark Stebbins was kidnapped and murdered. He was the first of four child abductions and murders attributed to the Oakland County killer. The killer was never found. 1976 --- Federal District Judge Cornelia Kennedy refuses the request of the Ferndale School District to approve the voluntary de-segregation plan and restore Federal funds. Funds were terminated in 1972 following a determination by Health Education and Welfare that the district was guilty of segregation at Grant school. H.E.W. said the district had not exhausted administrative remedies and must deal with the U.S. Department of Justice. The Justice Department said the school board had to deal with the H.E.W. The district said attending Elementary is voluntary and 35 students chose to transfer to other district schools which are primarily white. 1977 --- Robert J. Paczkowski was Mayor 1978 --- Robert J. Paczkowski was Mayor 1979 --- Bernie Lennon was Mayor 1979 --- Lincoln High School closed in June, 1978 and demolition was completed in January 1979. 1980 --- Bernie Lennon was Mayor 1981 --- Bernie Lennon was Mayor 1982 --- Bernie Lennon was Mayor 1982 --- Withington West was the second senior high-rise to be built (now housing seniors, disabled, & low income residents - run by Ferndale's Housing Commission). It's located on Planavon and Withington (415 Withington). 1982 --- Schiffer Park was dedicated in honor of former Mayor Henry Schiffer. 1983 --- Bernie Lennon resigned as Mayor at the start of 1983 to work with Governor Blanchard. Bruce Garbutt serves as Mayor until the end of 1983. 1983 --- The City let the Historical Society use the donated Canadian Legion building for a Historical Museum after renovations was completed. The building was donated to the city in 1979. 1984 --- James B. Avery was Mayor 1985 --- James B. Avery was Mayor 1986 --- Albert G. Gertley was Mayor 1987 --- Ferndale celebrated Michigan's 60th Anniversary with a Governor's Ball with residents of Ferndale depicting former Governor's and their wives. The Historical Society collected memories from old residents and collaborated on a book "Old Timer's Tell It Like It Was" with Gerry Kulick (Editor), Ruth Elmers and June Kotlarek publishing it. 1987 --- Albert G. Gertley was Mayor 1988 --- Albert G. Gertley was Mayor 1989 --- Albert G. Gertley was Mayor 1990 --- Ferndale agreed with the State to stop parking in Woodward medians. Parking lots were gone by Summer 1991 1990 --- Albert G. Gertley was Mayor 1991 --- Albert G. Gertley was Mayor 1992 --- Robert McGee was Mayor 1992 --- The Board of Education names Pedro Cain as ombudsman for Adult and Continuing Education, a new post. 1992 --- Decision to allow Harding Elementary School to participate in a year around school pilot program. Under the program, students at Harding will have 200 school days per year, rather that the state mandated 180. 1993 --- Robert McGee was Mayor 1993 --- Ferndale celebrates 75th “Diamond Jubilee” Anniversary. 1994 --- Pamela S. McCullough was Mayor (1st woman Mayor) 1994 --- May 9th. William Coyne resigns as school superintendent. 1994 --- March. Peter Jennings, News Anchor, visits Ferndale High School to interview students as to their future. 1995 --- Pamela S. McCullough was Mayor 1995 --- The first Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise and Car Show was organized. It included six Cities. Ferndale Resident, Nelson House is the founder of the idea to raise money for a kid's soccer field. 1996 --- Charles G. Goedert was Mayor 1996 --- Woodward Dream Cruise, Inc. is established for the now annual event and coordinates the nine host cities 1996 --- The Community Building was torn down to make way for a Credit Union High Rise 1997 --- Charles G. Goedert was Mayor 1998 --- Charles G. Goedert was Mayor 1998 --- Dropping student enrollment figures and a worsening financial forecast force the school district to look at closing two elementary schools. 1999 --- Charles G. Goedert was Mayor 1999 --- Edison-Oakland Public School Academy (K-6) opens at St. James Church location on Woodward. 1999 --- Spring. City Council members approve the use of Martin Road Park for the construction of a new facility that will become home to a local curling club (Detroit Curling Club). Residents nearby the park oppose the plan, objecting to a provision that allows members to consume alcohol on the premises and saying the move will bring increased traffic to the area. Council members like the plan because it allows the city to use the facility for its own recreational programs whenever the curling season is not in full swing. 1999 --- November 2nd. Incumbent Charles Goedert fights off a challenge by Dennis Emmi to be re-elected to another term as mayor. Voters also narrowly defeat a new city charter proposal that would bring the city clerk, fire chief and police chief under the direction of the city manager. 1999 --- City Council adopts a human rights ordinance that prohibits discrimination, for reasons of a religious, racial, ethnic, gender and sexual orientation. Retiring Councilman Robert J. Paczkowski calls the ordinance a "gay" rights ordinance and leads a successful campaign. Council members rescind the ordinance and instead agree to place the issue before the voters. 2000 --- Charles G. Goedert was Mayor 2000 --- 100 Y2K Stop Signs that were bought “in-case” there was an issue are made available for sale by the city. 2000 --- Resident Hilda Horne of Ferndale turned 107 years old. 2000 --- Public Library receives 4 computers from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. 2000 --- School Superintendent, Marcee Martin resigns 1 year early. 2000 --- Ferndale seeks to stop Racetrack construction at the Michigan State Fairgrounds. 2000 --- Police Department replaces all officers 13 year old guns with new ones. 2000 --- Voters for the second time in a year defeat a new city charter that would have made the city manager the boss of the fire and police chiefs. 2001 --- Charles G. Goedert was Mayor 2001 --- A Ferndale police officer is now a member of a federal Drug Enforcement Agency. 2001 --- New community center named in honor of Gerry Kulick. 2001 --- Police cars are equipped with dash mounted cameras. 15 years ago 1 pilot car had was equipped with a camera but was too bulky and difficult to use, so it was not implemented in the fleet. 2001 --- Metro Detroit 12th Annual Gay Pride Festival moves to Ferndale. 2001 --- Detroit Curling Club breaks ground for there $1.2 million building at Martin Road Park. They open in 2002. 2001 --- City Council votes unanimously to appeal the MDOT Woodward Avenue overpass at Eight Mile Road. 2001 --- “Q” bar opens at former bank at 141 West Nine Mile. 2002 --- Robert G. Porter was Mayor 2002 --- Resident Eva Port, one of the oldest woman in the country, celebrates her 108th birthday in June but passes away 2 months later. 2002 --- City sprays pesticides to combat against the West Nile virus after resident dies. 2003 --- Ferndale Veterans Memorial construction completed after a seven-year struggle to raise funds by Tim McGee. 2003 --- Robert G. Porter was Mayor 2003 --- A cascading power grid failure in the Northeastern United States dimmed the lights of 50 million homes including Ferndale. 2003 --- Resident Bob Guiney appeared on ABC's "The Bachelorette" show. 2004 --- Robert G. Porter was Mayor 2004 --- Woodward Dream Cruise celebrated its 10th Anniversary. 2005 --- Robert G. Porter was Mayor 2006 --- Robert G. Porter was Mayor 2006 --- A replica of the 1920's Crow's Nest was made and is located at the Nine Mile and Woodward median. 2007 --- Robert G. Porter was Mayor 2007 --- Residents elect Craig Covey, the 1st openly gay Mayor in Michigan. 2007 --- Ferndale has 27 Churches. 2007 --- Ferndale has 2 of the following: Taco Bell, 7-11, CVS, Subway Subshop. This is interesting due to the relative size of the city. 2008 --- Craig Covey was Mayor 2008 --- The Historical Society launches its official website. 2009 --- Craig Covey was Mayor 2010 --- Craig Covey was 42nd Mayor ( 2010-2011) 2011 --- January, Craig Covey resigns to become county commissioner 2011 --- Mayor Pro Tem Kate Baker who served for the month of January while the mayor's seat was vacant 2011 --- Feb, Dave Coulter Sworn in as Ferndale's Mayor 2012 --- Dave Coulter was Mayor 2013 --- Dave Coulter was Mayor 2014 --- Dave Coulter was Mayor 2014 --- Woodward Dream Cruise 20 th Anniversary 2014 --- Historic Flood in August damaged homes, roads, and business 2014 --- Facing rising costs, Ferndale Library transitions to a district library 2015 --- Dave Coulter was Mayor 2016 --- Dave Coulter was Mayor 2016 --- Raylon Leaks-May first African-American elected to City Council (1st Term 2016-2019, 2nd term 2020-2023) 2016 --- Board of Education voted to sell Wilson Elementary School and Taft Learning Center to a developer --- 2017 --- Dave Coulter was Mayor 2018 --- Dave Coulter was Mayor 2019 --- Dave Coulter was Mayor 2019 --- August, Mayor Dave Coulter resigned in order to accept his appointment as the new Oakland County executive, Mayor Pro Tem: Dan Martin 2020 --- Melanie Piana was Mayor 2020 --- Raylon Leaks-May first African-American Mayor Pro Tem 2020 --- Three new council members sworn in - Laura Mikulski and Kat Bruner James, plus incumbent Raylon Leaks-May marking the first time Ferndale has had a majority female council 2020 --- March SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) AKA Covid-19 Pandemic begins. Extends until _??___ 2021 --- Jan 25. Ferndale hires first Female Fire Chief; Teresa Robinson 2021 --- Melanie Piana was Mayor 2022 --- Melanie Piana was Mayor 2023 --- Melanie Piana was Mayor 2023 --- Nov 7, Ferndale elects first African American Mayor, Raylon Leaks-May 2023 --- Nov 7, Ferndale elects first openly gay woman elected to serve Ferndale, Councilperson Rolanda Kelley 2024 --- Jan 8, Raylon Leaks-May sworn in as Ferndale's first African-American Mayor 2024 --- Jan 8, Councilperson Rolanda Kelley sworn in as the first openly gay woman elected to serve Ferndale |
Ferndale's Presidents, Mayors, & City
Members are summarized HERE
1 |
What is the oldest standing structure in Ferndale? |
1901 - Tied: 250 Kensington (land records date to June 6, 1820) & 1841 Catalpa Court.
2 |
What are Ferndale's oldest businesses still in operation? |
1912 - Machpelah Cemetery |
3 |
What were some of Ferndale's oldest businesses that are now gone? |
1821 - Jabez White's Tavern 1833 - Mother Handsom's Tavern 1869 - Granger Saw Mill |
4 |
When did "Ferndale" First appear on a map? |
1905 |
5 |
When was the first map of Oakland County drawn? |
1923 |
6 |
When did Ferndale become a village? | April 1, 1918 |
7 |
When did Ferndale become a city? | April 4, 1927 |
8 |
Oldest bar/tavern location still in operation (post Prohibition) | 1933 Tied: Danny's & Tony's current locations received liquor licenses on May 5, 1933 |
9 |
Oldest bar name still in operation | Ironically 'New Way' is the oldest bar name still in operation. License was issued May 10, 1933 and they moved to their current location in 1948. |
10 |
Longest current bar owners | 1955-Warrilows (update pending), 1985-Danny's, 1988-Sneakers, 1992-Tony's |
11 |
Oldest active restaurant location |
1926 - 22740 Woodward (Rialto/Dino's/Barrel House) NOTE: A Great article on the topic is in the Winter 2020 museum Newsletter! |
If you have additions or corrections
please contact: info@ferndalehistoricalsociety.org
Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without expressed
and written consent from the Ferndale Historical Society is prohibited.
Revised: Feb 15, 2025